The HOA must keep a information such as phone numbers and emergency contacts for each family. It is time to check your information to make sure it includes everyone's current information. An updated directory will be made available after all the edits are complete.
WHO? HOA Members
WHAT? Check that your contact information is complete and correct.
WHERE? In the "Members Only" section of the website.
WHEN? From Now to 11/20/2019
HOW? Follow the link below to the Members Only page. Log in/Sign up.
Site Membership - You will be prompted to request site membership.
If you are not a site member, please fill out the request. IF you ar e a site member, look for the link to "LOG IN."
The Website - The website is best viewed on a ipad/laptop/ computer.
It prefers the Chrome as the browser over the others.
Click here to visit the DIRECTORY UPDATE page.
**Please indicate in your email if the HOA may include your phone number and email in the directory (on the spreadsheet, you will see a column labeled "Permission" for this purpose).