Annual Meeting Continued...

The annual meeting of homeowners which was held on July 16 is being continued on
August 6, 2016
10 AM at 234 Loma Blanca
Homeowners present voted to postpone the election of the 2016 / 2017 Board of Directors.
Download the ballot
Homeowners nominated several HOA members to run in the election. The postponement allows for all nominees to be contacted and verify their wish to run. Homeowners will be able to vote by absentee ballot, proxy or in person at the August 6th meeting.
Some highlights from the Meeting:
The current financials are online here.
Members asked the Board to address a recent letter. The board did so. The response will be drafted and posted.
The website includes the newly filed governing documents, and the invoices, bank statements, and other financial details labeled Books 2015/2016 .
Painting of Fence and Gate to commence soon.
Fishing Policy (homeowners voted to continue the 2012 Fishing Policy from July 2016 to July 2017)
NO fishing by any means other than fishing pole.
Perch is catch and take.
Bass is 100% catch and release.
The Board discussed suggestions from the last meeting regarding motorized vehicles driving near the lake, parking, and a member suggestion about guest passes and a guest policy.
Homeowners who are interested in drafting a policy so that our lake and park areas are protected and our security is increased, please contact the board here. The Board hopes that members in particular who are avid users of the lake area and/ or are residents of the homes on the lake will be represented.
Entry Signs: Homeowners decided to salvage the signs on the south side of the entry to replace the damaged signage on the north side of the entry. The signs to the south are not needed, but the one to the north helps guests, vendors, and first responders find our neighborhood.
Minutes will be available after the August 6th continuance.